Apps By Cirrus Apps

Second Baptist Church 4.1.1
We believe that there is one God who exists inthree persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.We believethat God the Holy Spirit is active in convincing unbelievers oftheir need for salvation, and is the Comforter and Guide Who livesin every believer. We hope that with the new mobile applicationthat you will have the tools needed to spread the word of the LordJesus.
St. John's Lutheran Church 4.1.2
The mission statement of St. John's LutheranChurch is to help people grow into a living relationship with Jesusand His Church, through worship and fellowship; understand God'spurpose for their life, through Bible study and prayer; and to goforth as Jesus' ambassadors ,to care for and shareHis Good News with all people. We hope that you use the tools inthis app to Spread the word of the Lord.
Open Door Community Church 4.1.1
Open Door Community Church is an excitingchurch that is growing every week. We believe that it is all aboutrelationship instead of religion. Relationship with Jesus Christ& with each other. We strive to be a place where God’s presenceis felt, lives are changed, and we encourage each other. Our goalis to see growth & spiritual fruit in each individual life, ourfamilies, and our ministries. We hope that with our new MobileApplication that you will have the tools needed to further theKingdom.
Raleigh North Christian Center 4.1.1
RNCC is a Ministry driven to operate inexcellence, decency and order in all that we do for our members,guests, missionaries and the community. We have a strong youthministry, because we believe in investing in our children, who weknow are the future leaders of this world.We hope you will utilizeour tools in the mobile app to better the Kingdom!
FCUCC Asheville 4.1.3
We are a progressive, risk-taking Christianfaith community. We follow the way of Jesus as the Christ and arewelcome, open, and affirming to all. We believe God is vibrant,alive, and still speaking to us! We believe that God encourages usto engage the world through acts of mercy, peace, and justice. Wehope that you enjoy the tools that we offer in this app includingaudio sermons, photos, a prayer wall, and push notifications.
Calvary Chapel Red Bluff 4.1.1
Calvary Chapel has been formed as a fellowshipof believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire isto know Christ and be conformed to His image by the power of theHoly Spirit. We are not a denominational church. Nor are we opposedto denominations as such, only to their over-emphasis of thedoctrinal differences that have led to the division of the Body ofChrist. We hope that with this New Mobile app you would utilize ourtools to further the Kingdom of God.
Church Of God In Christ 4.4.1
The Church of God in Christ, Inc. (COGIC) is aChristianorganization in the Holiness-Pentecostal tradition. It isthelargest Pentecostal denomination in the United States.Themembership is predominantly African-American with more thansixmillion members. The Church has congregations in 63countriesaround the world. We pray that you would use the tools inour newMobile Application.
Iglesia de Cristo MLLFSD 4.1.1
Nuestro ministerio esta bendecido en queexpresas un interes en visitar nuestra pagina de internet. Esnuestro deseo que puedas encontrar nuestra pagina una bendiciónpara usted y su familia. Esperamos verle pronto.Aqui encontrara estudios que le alimentaran y le daran direcciondurante su diario caminar. Creemos que Dios tiene un proposito y undestino para su vida, es por eso que sabemos que la palabraprofetica diaria le bendecira grandemente.Our ministry is blessedthat express an interest in visiting our website. It is our wishthat you find our site a blessing to you and your family. We hopeto see you soon.Here you will find studies that fed him and give directionduring his daily walk. We believe that God has a purpose and adestiny for your life, that's why we know that the prophetic worddaily will greatly bless.
Christ Community Pompano 4.1.2
Christ Community Church is a ChristianCommunity in the Reformed tradition (RCA) committed to grace, joy,and generosity of the Holy Spirit in order to impact and influencethe larger community and culture for the glory of God. Our task isto proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to equip every member toserve and obey his commands faithfully.
El Bethel Baptist Church 4.1.1
At El Bethel, we are a determined people,committed to living life on Purpose. We believe that everybody issomebody special and we thank you for visiting our website. Ourworship services are Scriptural, Spiritual, and Structural. Theyare designed to reach up to God and reach out to man - giving Honorto one and help to the other!We do what we do on Purpose. Specifically, we Worship onPurpose, Fellowship on Purpose, are Disciples on Purpose, Serve onPurpose and Witness on Purpose.
Refuge Temple Church 4.4.2
Refuge Temple is the Southern RegionalHeadquarters of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ of theApostolic Faith Inc., the anointed Bishop William Lee Bonner,Pastor. Bishop William Lee Bonner was born in a small southern townnamed Milledgeville, Georgia. Bishop Bonner is the second boy bornto Emmett and Jane Bonner. We pray that the new mobile applicationwill give you the tools to stay connected, and grow in thefaith.
Shady Grove Wesleyan Church 4.1.2
Here at Shady Grove Wesleyan Church ourmission is to reach people who do not know Jesus Christ as theirpersonal savior. We pray that with this new Mobile App you wouldhave the tools needed to spread the word of the Lord Jesus. Also wehope that you enjoy our Application for Audio Sermons as well asmany other features.
Fountain of Grace 4.1.2
Thank you for visiting our Mobile Application. We are apeople-oriented ministry with a vision to be a Fountain of Grace inour community. Our mission is to be a genuine movement of the HolySpirit, whereby people are being saved, set free from bondage,discover God's love, and are empowered to walk out the call of Godon their lives. I want to personally meet you and I look forward toyour visit.
First Baptist Whitesburg 4.4.1
On behalf of the First Baptist Church family,I want to thank you for visiting our Mobile Application. Just asJesus welcomed people of all ages and backgrounds, we welcome you.I believe you will find that First Baptist Church is the idealplace for you and your family to worship and grow in your faith.We’d love for you to join us. You will also discover opportunitiesfor meeting new friends, learning biblical truths, and servingothers. I invite you to join us this Sunday for worship and Biblestudy. Feel free to check out our website and contact us with anyquestions you may have about our church.
Maverick Hub 4.1.5
At MAVERICK HUB our goals are simple…to train,educate and motivate you in the CrossFit methodology so you excelin all domains of life, work and sport. We want to know what’simportant to you and take an individual approach to help you reachthose goals. We address concerns and issues that may be holding youback and help develop a plan to overcome these obstacles. Our goalis to enable you to perform at your best whether that’s playingwith your kids or grand kids, saving lives or competing at an elitelevel in sports. We are dedicated to educating, inspiring andmotivating you towards your health and fitness goals.
The Live Ride Christian Church 4.1.1
Welcome to The Live Ride Christian Church.If you're new in town and looking for a home church, seeking Godfor the very first time or if this is the hundredth time you'vetried, join us as we worship the Lord together.The Live Ride Christian Church is a family of believers gatheredto learn about and follow Jesus Christ - the crucified outcast -sent by God to set people free from sin.The Live Ride is a come as your are church. Feel free to shareour Mobile Application with your friends and family.
Jackson First 4.1.1
When you walk into Jackson First, expect afriendly, warm welcome from our greeter team. We pray that our NewMobile Application will give you the tools needed to share the wordof Jesus Christ. Please share this application with friends, andfamily.
The Church at Dahlonega 4.1.4
We are the confession of Jesus Christ assavior unto the world around us. We preach the unfiltered gospeland are more concerned with the heart of the church than the façadeof church. Our mobile app is a direct reflection of that. We hopethat you enjoy the tools that we offer in this app. Please enjoythe Audio Sermons, as well as an array of other tools.
Clearwater United Methodist 4.4.1
The Clearwater United Methodist Church existsto praise God and to create an environment for congregational andindividual, spiritual and relational growth in Christ.TheClearwater Church dates back to 1885. Over the years, the churchhas sought to do the will of God here in South Central Kansas. Godhas richly blessed our church and we are grateful. Staffing of theClearwater Church has changed over the years. Members have come andgone. Yet, the ministry and mission have remained constant. We hopethat you enjoy our new Mobile Application, and share it with youfriends, and loved ones.
FUMC Panhandle 4.4.1
The Methodist Episcopal church sent the firstpastor to Panhandle in 1889, and in 1903, the Methodist EpiscopalSouth was formed. On March 9, 1967 ground breaking for the thirdsite of the Methodist church began and completed on January 21,1968. The church was properly dedicated on Sunday, October 1, 1972;attended by Bishop Alsie H. Carleton, District Superintendent Dr.Clifford Trotter. We are so happy that you have downloaded the Newmobile Application for our church.
Calvary Chapel Westgrove 4.4.1
Thank you for joining us at Calvary ChapelWestGrove. A “grove” is a place where plants and trees are placedto grow and bear fruit together – being fed, watered, andprotected. Here at Calvary Chapel WestGrove, we pray that you findin us a place that you and your family can do just that – “put downroots” and grow in the Lord together with us.
Monterey Church of Christ 4.1.1
Our mission at Monterey is to develop fullydevoted followers of Jesus who make a difference by being a visiblepresence in our community and our world. We pray that with the useof our New Mobile App that you will have the tools to do so. Sharethis great feature with your friends, and family!
The Living Word Church 4.1.1
Living Word Church is a Spirit Filled Churchin Adairville, Ky where the Word of God is preached. We'd love tohave you visit us!Living Word Church will stand strong and faithful'til God's plans and purposes have been fulfilled. To Him be allglory, honor, power & praise forever & ever. Amen!! We hopethat the new Mobile Application will give you the tools needed tofurther the Kingdom.
The Worship Center Kansas City 4.5.0
Welcome to the online home of TheWorshipCenter of Kansas City! We're honored that you stopped by.OurMobile Application is designed to give you a taste of TheWorshipCenter experience. You'll find useful information about ourchurch,upcoming events, sermon clips and more. Thank youforvisiting!
St Davids Episcopal Day School 4.5.2
St. David's School is a place wherechildrenages 6 weeks-10 years learn to grow. We have manydifferentprograms to meet the needs of all families. We hope thatthis newMobile Application will help parents to stay betterconnected toour school. Feel free to share our mobileapplication!
Piedmont First Baptist 4.1.1
Welcome to the New APP for PiedmontFirstBaptist Church. This APP is specific technology that isdesigned byour staff to help us be more effective followers ofChrist. Ithelps us be able to communicate with each other at alltimes rightfrom our finger tips.Some great features are: Online or Phone Giving, SermonRecordings,Events, Facebook Groups, Notes, and a tool to help youkeep trackof where you parked your car...Come see us!Our Sunday services are designed to be a place where all peoplecanhave a dynamic encounter in the presence of God. Our worshipisdriven by passionate celebration, blending familiar hymnswithcontemporary praise. The preaching of God's Word is challengingandrelevant to bring us to the place of change.We are not perfect people, just forgiven and here to serve Christinany way that He leads us to. WE hope that this APP helps yougetmore involved and helps you grow in your relationshipwithChrist.
Calvary Wesleyan Church 4.4.1
Worship should help you sense God'snearnessand let you express yourself to Him.That's why, as we worship together, our services arelife-orientedand centered onJesus Christ. We enjoy uplifting music. Often you willheartestimonies from peoplewho are experiencing the reality of God's goodness and hisspecialguidance in their lives.We pray with great confidence in God's ability to meet ourpersonalneeds and thoseof others. Worship is not just a spectator activity inourchurch--it's something to do!
Bridge Church 4.4.2
At Bridge Church our passion is to helppeoplesee God’s greatness. We want to passionately PURSUE Him,CONNECTwith each other in meaningful relationships, and fulfill ourpartin His mission by BRIDGING the Gospel to every man, woman,andchild. We would like to extend an invitation to you to join us.Welook forward to connecting with you soon. Please share ournewMobile Application with friends and family!
Arnett First Christian Church 4.1.2
Arnett First Christian Church is dedicatedtothe word of the Lord. We hope that with our New MobileApplication,you are able to connect with one another, and with ourcommunity.Please feel free to use all the tools provided to spreadthe wordof our Church!
Pursuit Christian Fellowship 4.1.1
At The Pursuit, we put the focus back whereitbelongs…on God! To be frank, if you’re pursuing anything oranyoneelse other than God, you’re wasting precious time and energy.We’reall created in God’s image and to worship Him, so let’s putthingsin its proper priority and let God orchestrate the rest ofourlives. We pray that with this mobile app you will use thesetoolsto spread the word of the Lord.
Baltimore Christian Faith 4.1.1
We are a born again, Spiritfilled,non-denominational body of believers. Our common bond offellowshipwith all believers is salvation through our Lord JesusChrist. Wepray that God's love that knows no bounds reaches out toperform anew work in you today. We pray that with our newMobileApplications you will use the tools to further thekingdom.
Bizzy Beez Academy 4.1.4
Welcome to Bizzy-Beez Academy,Thank youforchoosing to make our academy part of you and your child's life.Weare honored you have chosen us for your child care andpreschoolneeds. We hope that you enjoy the tools offered in our newMobileApplication.
Woodland Valley Church 4.1.2
The Lord tells us: Matthew 28:20 Teachingthemto observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo,Iam with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. It isoneof the purposes of Woodland Valley Church to help each persongrowin his or her relationship with God. We hope that our NewMobileapplication will give you the tools needed to further thekingdomof God.
Grace AME Zion 4.1.1
We are excited that you are visiting theMobileApp. We hope that you will find the Mobile App to beinformative,engaging and full of ministry help to inspire you,encourage you,and draw you to our church.Of course, there is nothing like being in our services. Youcanget directions to our church, and view events through ourmobileapp to discover what's happening at Grace.
Living Faith Family Church 4.1.1
We are committed to help you learn all thelifechanging truths of the Bible. Our Goal is that you grow sothat youcan help others grow and become over-comers in ChristJesus.As yougrow and mature in the things of God, we believe youwill be doersand not forgetful hearers only, so you will haveliving faith towalk victoriously in life, here and now, and bringothers with you.We hope tat you will use the tools in the NewMobile application toyour advantage.
Grace Community Baptist Church 4.1.1
Grace Community Baptist Church is heretoglorify God through worship, Bible teaching, serviceandfellowship. We are working together through the churchandcommunity to reach people with the love of Christ.We are a comfortable place where you can come as you are andbewarmly welcomed. The coffee is hot and the atmosphere isalwaysrelaxed!We pray that you would enjoy the tools in our newmobileapplication.
Siloam Fellowship 4.1.4
We are a community of believers in theLordJesus Christ who are worshiping God, serving Him, andextendingourselves into the world in order to help make disciples.We followthe Anabaptist teaching of non-resistance. We Pray thatour newMobile Application will give you the tools to furthertheKingdom.
Resurrection Life Church 4.1.2
Resurrection LIFE Church, with “Love InFullExpression” as its middle name, is a fellowship ofChristianbelievers who desire to express God’s love in word anddeed. With avariety of ministry groups and many activities offered,there is aplace for everyone to get involved! We have designed thissite tobe a source of information about our church and itsministries aswell as to offer services that will enhance yourChristian walk. Wepray that your visit will be profitable as wellas informative. Wepray that our New Mobile Application will be animportant tool inyour life!
Resurrection Life Family 4.1.1 4.1.2
Welcome to Resurrection Life FamilyWorshipCenter's App. Thank you for visiting us.God is doing great and wonderful things. There is no moreChurchas usual - instead, it's Church unusual.We are a family oriented Church seeking the salvation of thoseinour community. We are a Kingdom building Church on a missiontoimpact the nations for Christ. Whether you've never had apersonalrelationship with Christ or you want to have a closer walkwithHim, come and see what the Lord has planned for you atResurrectionLife.We are excited to meet you!
Apps By Cirrus 4.4.2
Apps By Cirrus is a Mobile ApplicationCompanythat specializes in the development of Mobile ApplicationsandWebsites for an array of companies. Each Mobile Applicationispersonalized and Unique to fit the business type. We hope thatyouenjoy our extensive list of features!
UBC Church of God 4.1.2
The United Brethren for Christ’sgreatestdesire is to be a means by which we bring stronger harmonyamongthe brethren, as stated in our name. through our Mobile app wewillbe able to accomplish this desire. We do not seek to bejustanother organization among organizations, but to work together,andbring organization to the body of Christ without domain.